Why Guitar?

The first word that comes to mind when many of my close friends think about me is “guitar”. I have been playing guitar ever since I was in first grade, and I can’t remember life without it. Guitar has become such an integral part of my life that I can’t even imagine what I would do without it. I’ve had people ask me “Ethan, why do you like to play guitar so much?” This is my answer.

My guitar is the best therapist I know. Whether I am sad, happy, excited or nervous guitar never fails to make me feel better. There is nothing better than jamming out to Livin on a prayer after you get an A+ on a math test, and I have found that playing a soulful rendition of Fix you is very calming after a hard day. In some ways my guitar is like a good friend. Always there when I need it no matter what I am going through.

What is so amazing about guitar is that it has the ability to bring people together. I went to a summer camp for seven weeks two years ago and there I met a girl named Ella. We did not talk to each other much but we both shared a common passion for singing and music. Since my forte is guitar and hers is singing, we bonded over music. In the past couple of years we have recorded multiple duets together, bonded over music, and became best friends. Without guitar, the relationship that Ella and I created would not have been possible.

Lastly, guitar is a way to create lasting memories. Some of my favorite moments of my life revolve around playing guitar. Just this past summer my friends and I were sitting around a bonfire when I decided to get my guitar and play a few songs. Next thing I know, all thirty teens around the bonfire joined in singing “Rivers and Roads”. It was one of the most special moments of my summer and it all started with playing guitar. I have performed in talent shows, led song sessions at my youth group, and recorded songs with my friends. Each of those moments has created memories that will last a lifetime.

Those are the reasons why I love guitar. If you ever want to learn how to play guitar, just come and ask and I would love to teach you a few chords :) 


  1. I want to learn how to play! As a guy, I've always envied your guitar skills. I hate to admit it, but you look pretty dope when you play your guitar. This blog post helped me understand your love for guitar. The guitar is truly a bonfire's best friend, and hopefully I can experience a special memory like you did with your friends. Great post.

  2. As your fellow guitar playing/loving friend, can't agree with you more. Guitar, more specifically acoustic guitar has a strange way of drawing out the surprising musical sides of people, perhaps it's just the bonfire-esk feelings the guitar reproduces but once you start singing a song most people know on the guitar, you most likely have a group of people sing along with you, which is such a thrilling thing to experience.

  3. the thorough pick me up that comes from playing instruments in a relaxed setting is so real. when im trying to write an essay or something and i just need something to fiddle with ill pick up my banjo. i also am very impressed at you and Abraham whenever you play guitar, i started teaching myself guitar over the summer when Ellie got a new guitar and i took her old one, and ive got the basic chords down but oh man my short stumpy fingers are getting the workout of their lives trying to speedily contort into different chords.

  4. The power of music should never go understated. I loved how endearing this post was, and I envy you guitar players, and how you just ooze confidence whenever you have a guitar in your hands. I'm glad that you have that connection and ability, and I have no doubt that the guitar will be your friend for life, now you just need to learn tuba.

  5. That's so nice that guitar has such a meaningful place in your life. I totally see what you're describing when you and Abraham just play in the halls. I also know when I'm in a big city and there is someone playing guitar on the streets it always draws a huge crowd. People sing along or just enjoy the atmosphere. I totally agree with you that guitar can completely change a mood and that can be incredible.

  6. Your post makes me want to learn how to play the guitar! I have a guitar sitting in my living room but never actually learned how to play it. I did play the piano for over 5 years and it was a way for me to channel any emotions I was feeling. It's amazing to hear all of the ways the guitar has allowed you to create some of your best memories!


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