
Showing posts from August, 2018


There are moments that put everything in perspective. It’s a feeling nobody can really describe, and personally, I didn’t really believe that those moments exist. I have been in school for 12 years and have had countless experiences but nothing can really compare to how I felt when I arrived at Auschwitz. I arrived at Auschwitz early in the morning because tickets are always hard to get in the summertime. It was an excruciatingly hot day, and I could already feel the sunburn forming on the back of my neck. We went through security and started walking to the entrance of Auschwitz. The eerie feeling I felt is unexplainable. I remember walking in silence, alongside the barbed wire until I reached a giant gate that read “Arbeit Macht Frei” or “work sets you free”. A feeling of anger and disgust filled me as I stepped into the camp. Everyone learns about the Holocaust in school, and everyone sees the statistics of the 10 million people that were murdered and the 72 million tota...